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Acorn Replay Demonstration Disc (RISC OS)
Applications > Other OS
317.71 MB

risc risc os acorn acorn user riscos antiques apps
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Feb 28, 2011

        |                                                                      |
        |   Supplied......:  Acorn Antiques    Release name..:  REPLAY.rar     |
        |   Packaged......:  filth             Release type..:  Util           |
        |   Protection....:  none              Language......:  English        |
        |   Crack/SN......:  n/a               Size..........:  317 MB         |
        |   Format........:  ISO inside RAR    OS............:  RISC OS        |
        |                                                                      |
        |   MD5 checksum.................: c83be21d0186a1d8b6675effae4ba217    |
        |                                                                      |
        |   ================================================================   |
        |                            Description                               |
        |   ================================================================   |
        |                                                                      |
        |   The Acorn Replay CD-ROM Demonstration Disc is intended to          |
        |   introduce you to Acorn Replay and to show you some of the          |
        |   applications which now use full-motion video and audio, without    |
        |   the need for expensive add-on hardware.                            |
        |                                                                      |
        |   The CD contains the following applications and resources:          |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - Uniqueway                                                        |
        |     This application gives you a series of screens describing the    |
        |     development of video technology, and the service provided by     |
        |     Uniqueway Ltd for the creation of Movies from video source.      |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - DOLW - Dictionary of the Living World                            |
        |     This is a small demonstration version of Media Design            |
        |     Interactive's CD-ROM product: Dictionary of the Living World.    |
        |     The full product has over 100 full-motion video clips, and       |
        |     information on over 5,000 species.                               |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - Genesis                                                          |
        |     Genesis is a multimedia authoring package developed by Oak       |
        |     Solutions. The "GENESIS" directory contains two example Genesis  |
        |     applications, which show the addition of Acorn Replay support    |
        |     to the !Genesis package.                                         |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - KeyAuthor                                                        |
        |     KeyAuthor is a multimedia authoring package which has Acorn      |
        |     Replay support built into it, developed by 3T Productions on     |
        |     behalf of Anglia TV.                                             |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - Magpie                                                           |
        |     Magpie is a multimedia authoring package developed by Longman    |
        |     Logotron, which allows the user to put words, pictures, sounds   |
        |     and video clips together on the same page.  Pages are put        |
        |     together to form "Binders".                                      |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - !ARPlayer                                                        |
        |     !ARPlayer (located in the REPLAY directory) allows Acorn Replay  |
        |     movies to be played on the desktop, and is started by double-    |
        |     clicking on its icon in a filer display.  It installs itself     |
        |     on the iconbar.                                                  |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - !MultiSound                                                      |
        |     !MultSound (located in the REPLAY directory) is an application   |
        |     which plays only the audio component of Acorn Replay movies.     |
        |     It is a multitasking application, so other desktop activities    |
        |     can continue whilst the sound is playing.  It is started by      |
        |     double-clicking on its icon in a filer display.  It installs     |
        |     itself on the iconbar.                                           |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - !ARMovie                                                         |
        |     The !ARMovie directory contains the resources used by Acorn      |
        |     Replay. It is similar to a !System directory.                    |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - MOVIES                                                           |
        |     The MOVIES directory contains a number of movies created         |
        |     courtesy of Anglia TV.  Files whose names end with a "2" play    |
        |     at 12 frames per second, and are suitable to be played on any    |
        |     ARM processor.  Files whose names do not end with a "2" play at  |
        |     25 frames per second, and require an ARM3 processor and at       |
        |     least 1.5Mb of available RAM to play back smoothly.              |
        |                                                                      |
        |   - SOUNDS                                                           |
        |     The SOUNDS directory contains audio material to be played using  |
        |     the !MULTSOUND application.  They are Acorn Replay movies which  |
        |     have only an audio component.  They can be played by dragging    |
        |     their file icon to the !MULTSOUND window (or to its icon on      |
        |     the iconbar). It includes a selection of classical music, and    |
        |     a set of introductory talks about RISC OS 3, produced by         |
        |     Headline Communications Ltd.                                     |
        |                                                                      |
        |                                                                      |
        |   Visit our profile for more, including some vary rare releases!     |
        |                                                                      |
        |                       |
        |                                                                      |
        |  [tags: risc, risc os, acorn, acorn user, riscos, apps, drawworks ]  |
        |                                                                      |
        |                                                                      |
        |   Please seed - this is for the benefit of the RISC OS community,    |
        |   to ensure that these CDs and the files on them are never lost.     |
        |   Do your part to help, but please do support legitimate developers! |
        |                                                                      |
        |                                                                      |
        |                              |
        |                                                                      |
        |                                                                      |
        |                             Greetz to:                               |
        |         flibble, acp, [qUE], Adny, teh Hodge, beardy Dave,           |
        |         beardy John, Paul 'the man' and pig-fucker Johnson           |
        |                                                                      |